Intermediate C++

Object-Oriented C++ 17


Enroll on Udemy $9.99 USD


Professional C++ - Object-Oriented C++ Programming is our intermediate C++ course.  If you have completed our introduction to C++ course or have experience with C, Java, C#, or other curly brace language, this course is for you!

Why choose this course?  Chuck's courses have been delivered to thousands of developers in-person, online and via Udemy, including  major corporations, government agencies and military around the world.

Using lots of code examples and hands-on opportunities, Chuck guides you through all of the object-oriented programming features of C++, including new features introduced in C++ 11, C++ 14, and C++ 17.  You will not only learn syntax and features, but also how to properly apply those concepts.  Chuck intertwines design principles and concepts throughout the course to explain the best practices for applying what you learn.

In this course, you will learn

  • Class implementation, including inline, const, constructors & destructors, and code organization

  • Learn to implement code from Test Driven Development unit test specifications

  • Memory management, including pointers, references, move & copy constructors

  • Exceptions - all about error handling including exception strategies

  • Operator Overloading - learn all about required and optional operator implementation

  • Templates - learn to use and create your own function templates and class templates, including new variadic templates and parameter folding

  • Smart Pointers - Avoid memory leaks and learn to build safe applications using the RAII strategy with unique pointers, shared pointers and weak pointers

  • Inheritance - Learn to properly achieve good inheritance relationships and leverage this powerful object-oriented concept including overriding functions, construction & destruction

  • Polymorphism - Become an expert at leveraging polymorphism to eliminate design smells and understand the costs and benefits of polymorphism

  • Interfaces - You will understand the meaning and purpose of interfaces in a great design, including interface segregation and dependency inversion

  • Functional Programming - Learn all the new features of C++ supporting functional programming and Inversion of Control

  • Lambda Expressions - Gain expertise not only in lambda syntax, but also how and when to use lambdas in your application.

  • Containers - Get an overview of the standard library containers (STL) and learn the best strategies for choosing and leveraging containers.  This section includes new features like ranged for, algorithms and numeric functional features in modern C++.

  • Library Utilities - You will learn all about utilities classes and functions in C++ like tuples, pairs, date &  time

  • Design Patterns - throughout the class, Chuck demonstrates the implementation of GOF design patterns

At the conclusion of this course, programmers will be ready to contribute to C++ projects in a meaningful way, armed with an in-depth understanding of object-oriented programming and the nuances of C++